Christoph Gartmann
2007-05-31 14:29:47 UTC
we have a WiFi access-point (Netgear WG102) which tries to get the date and
time via NTP from Netgear's servers. This is hardcoded in this box and cannot
be modified. But we run the access-point in a separate LAN with no access to
the Internet. Now we would like to do some "DNS spoofing" with our DNS under
Multinet 5.1A. The access-point sends a DNS query with the name of a
timeserver, then a NTP packet to the address received. Is it possible to tell
our DNS to answer with our local timeserver's address when queried for this
particular nameserver?
Christoph Gartmann
we have a WiFi access-point (Netgear WG102) which tries to get the date and
time via NTP from Netgear's servers. This is hardcoded in this box and cannot
be modified. But we run the access-point in a separate LAN with no access to
the Internet. Now we would like to do some "DNS spoofing" with our DNS under
Multinet 5.1A. The access-point sends a DNS query with the name of a
timeserver, then a NTP packet to the address received. Is it possible to tell
our DNS to answer with our local timeserver's address when queried for this
particular nameserver?
Christoph Gartmann
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Phone : +49-761-5108-464 Fax: -452
Postfach 1169 Internet: ***@immunbio dot mpg dot de
D-79011 Freiburg, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Phone : +49-761-5108-464 Fax: -452
Postfach 1169 Internet: ***@immunbio dot mpg dot de
D-79011 Freiburg, Germany