X11-ssh-tunneling problem with mozilla
(too old to reply)
2008-05-29 13:59:04 UTC

I have problems to start the mozilla-browser if I try to
tunnel X11-packages through ssh.

Both machines have MU V5.1 installed with all patches available
via anon ftp.

This is what I get:

the mozilla X11-frame comes up and disappears. I'm logged out
from the remote node (!) and I'm getting the following message:

remote $ mozilla
Starting mozilla-bin...
ssh: FATAL: buffer_consume trying to get more bytes than in buffer
local $

So what's wrong?

Bob Koehler
2008-05-29 19:14:23 UTC
Post by v***@dg3.chemie.uni-konstanz.de
remote $ mozilla
Starting mozilla-bin...
ssh: FATAL: buffer_consume trying to get more bytes than in buffer
local $
An unexpected "logout" may be due to a non-fatal bugcheck (only the
process gets killed). This will show up in the system error log with
more information.

OBTW, I do this all the time without any problem.
