ucx_library_emulation-040_a051.zip is missing
(too old to reply)
Thomas Hartsook
2007-08-02 16:25:02 UTC
Anyone know what is going on here? I go to the web download page, and it says
that ucx_library_emulation-040_a051.zip is the current version. But the link
is broken. So I contact Process, and they tell me that
ucx_library_emulation-020_a052 (note 5.2) is the current version. It doesn't
exist either...

Does ucx_library_emulation-040_a051.zip exist?

Tom Hartsook
Oregon State Univ
Connie Young
2007-08-02 16:30:04 UTC
You need to look either under "search for ECO' or go directly to the
ftp site at:

$ ftp ftp.multinet.process.com


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Hartsook [mailto:***@ucs.orst.edu]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 12:25 PM
To: MultiNet Discussion Listserve
Subject: ucx_library_emulation-040_a051.zip is missing

Anyone know what is going on here? I go to the web download page, and
it says that ucx_library_emulation-040_a051.zip is the current version.
But the link is broken. So I contact Process, and they tell me that
ucx_library_emulation-020_a052 (note 5.2) is the current version. It
doesn't exist either...

Does ucx_library_emulation-040_a051.zip exist?

Tom Hartsook
Oregon State Univ
Curtis Williams
2007-08-02 16:44:27 UTC
Post by Thomas Hartsook
Anyone know what is going on here? I go to the web download page, and
it says that ucx_library_emulation-040_a051.zip is the current version.
But the link is broken. So I contact Process, and they tell me that
ucx_library_emulation-020_a052 (note 5.2) is the current version. It
doesn't exist either...
Does ucx_library_emulation-040_a051.zip exist?
No, that one does not exist. As support mentioned, that one has been
superseded by the more current ucx_library_emulation-020_a052 which applies to
both MN 5.1 and MN 5.2. It does exist and can be downloaded at


Curtis Williams
Process Software
