Web problems with Multinet 5.2
(too old to reply)
Alan Winston - SSRL Central Computing
2008-01-17 00:34:43 UTC
(also sent to ***@process.com, but maybe some of you have some idea.)

VMS 8.3, patched to current as of last week
Alpha DS20E
Multinet 5.2 - patched to current as of 12/31
(eg: )

$ multinet config
MultiNet Network Configuration Utility V5.2(107)

We're suddenly finding (reports this week, but it might have been there last
week) that pages and files downloaded from our web server are corrupted. (Zip
files that don't unpack; web pages that lose formatting or don't display.)
Internet Explorer sometimes reports that it can't find our server; a reload
usually fixes that. (Bizarrely, https:// works when http:// doesn't, so it
might be an issue with port 80 specifically.)

It seems to happen sporadically (one of three tries) on large files, not
necessarily at all on small files.

The same files download through FTP with no problem. We're not seeing random
characters in our SSH terminal connections.

Another cluster member (an Itanium box) running the same version of Apache is
running TCP/IP services; it doesn't show these problems. Another cluster
member (an Alpha box, shares the system disk) does show these problems.

I installed Multinet 5.2 over the holiday shutdown and put up all the patches
then available.

This is something of a showstopper for us. Please advise.


-- Alan
Alan Winston --- ***@SSRL.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU
Disclaimer: I speak only for myself, not SLAC or SSRL Phone: 650/926-3056
Paper mail to: SSRL -- SLAC BIN 99, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025
Geoff Bryant
2008-01-17 02:51:06 UTC
Sounds like you should get the lateset UCX_LIBRARY_EMULATION eco which is
currently UCX_LIBRARY_EMULATION-070_A052.
Post by Alan Winston - SSRL Central Computing
VMS 8.3, patched to current as of last week
Alpha DS20E
Multinet 5.2 - patched to current as of 12/31
(eg: )
$ multinet config
MultiNet Network Configuration Utility V5.2(107)
We're suddenly finding (reports this week, but it might have been there last
week) that pages and files downloaded from our web server are corrupted. (Zip
files that don't unpack; web pages that lose formatting or don't display.)
Internet Explorer sometimes reports that it can't find our server; a reload
usually fixes that. (Bizarrely, https:// works when http:// doesn't, so it
might be an issue with port 80 specifically.)
It seems to happen sporadically (one of three tries) on large files, not
necessarily at all on small files.
The same files download through FTP with no problem. We're not seeing random
characters in our SSH terminal connections.
Another cluster member (an Itanium box) running the same version of Apache is
running TCP/IP services; it doesn't show these problems. Another cluster
member (an Alpha box, shares the system disk) does show these problems.
I installed Multinet 5.2 over the holiday shutdown and put up all the patches
then available.
This is something of a showstopper for us. Please advise.
-- Alan
Disclaimer: I speak only for myself, not SLAC or SSRL Phone: 650/926-3056
Paper mail to: SSRL -- SLAC BIN 99, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025
Alan Winston - SSRL Central Computing
2008-01-17 03:57:50 UTC
Geoff --
Post by Geoff Bryant
Sounds like you should get the lateset UCX_LIBRARY_EMULATION eco which is
currently UCX_LIBRARY_EMULATION-070_A052.
Things are weirder than they appeared to be. I already have that patch
installed. I hadn't restarted Apache, so I had the old UCX$IPC_SHR mapped
even though the new one was installed. On one system, I restarted Apache, and
the problems went away.

On the production system, restarting Apache didn't fix the problem, and neither
did rebooting.

But I've got the patch there too:

$ dir/ful ucx$ipc_shr


UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE;23 File ID: (23430,10531,0)
Size: 142/210 Owner: [SYSTEM]
Created: 8-JAN-2008 14:13:04.62
Revised: 10-JAN-2008 15:24:02.64 (6)
Expires: <None specified>
Backup: 14-JAN-2008 23:55:02.93
Effective: <None specified>
Recording: <None specified>
Accessed: <None specified>
Attributes: <None specified>
Modified: <None specified>
Linkcount: 1
File organization: Sequential
Shelved state: Online
Caching attribute: Writethrough
File attributes: Allocation: 210, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
No version limit, Contiguous best try
Record format: Fixed length 512 byte records
Record attributes: None
RMS attributes: None
Journaling enabled: None
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:RE
Access Cntrl List: None
Client attributes: None

UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE;22 File ID: (49351,51,0)
Size: 133/140 Owner: [SYSTEM]
Created: 8-APR-2007 03:12:33.17
Revised: 28-DEC-2007 20:12:05.57 (5)
Expires: <None specified>
Backup: 14-JAN-2008 23:55:02.93
Effective: <None specified>
Recording: <None specified>
Accessed: <None specified>
Attributes: <None specified>
Modified: <None specified>
Linkcount: 1
File organization: Sequential
Shelved state: Online
Caching attribute: Writethrough
File attributes: Allocation: 140, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
No version limit, Contiguous best try
Record format: Fixed length 512 byte records
Record attributes: None
RMS attributes: None
Journaling enabled: None
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:RE
Access Cntrl List: None
Client attributes: None

Total of 2 files, 275/350 blocks.

Am perplexed.

- Alan
Post by Geoff Bryant
Post by Alan Winston - SSRL Central Computing
VMS 8.3, patched to current as of last week
Alpha DS20E
Multinet 5.2 - patched to current as of 12/31
(eg: )
$ multinet config
MultiNet Network Configuration Utility V5.2(107)
We're suddenly finding (reports this week, but it might have been there last
week) that pages and files downloaded from our web server are corrupted. (Zip
files that don't unpack; web pages that lose formatting or don't display.)
Internet Explorer sometimes reports that it can't find our server; a reload
usually fixes that. (Bizarrely, https:// works when http:// doesn't, so it
might be an issue with port 80 specifically.)
It seems to happen sporadically (one of three tries) on large files, not
necessarily at all on small files.
The same files download through FTP with no problem. We're not seeing random
characters in our SSH terminal connections.
Another cluster member (an Itanium box) running the same version of Apache is
running TCP/IP services; it doesn't show these problems. Another cluster
member (an Alpha box, shares the system disk) does show these problems.
I installed Multinet 5.2 over the holiday shutdown and put up all the patches
then available.
This is something of a showstopper for us. Please advise.
-- Alan
Disclaimer: I speak only for myself, not SLAC or SSRL Phone: 650/926-3056
Paper mail to: SSRL -- SLAC BIN 99, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025
Alan Winston --- ***@SSRL.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU
Disclaimer: I speak only for myself, not SLAC or SSRL Phone: 650/926-3056
Paper mail to: SSRL -- SLAC BIN 99, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025